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Activity Cards for party and events.
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kukuba is a number, term, cue based game somewhat similar to how tambola housie game is played. But it differs in terms of variations it offers. Tambola is a classic game played with numbers. kukuba is a modern form of the game with more than 75 variations.
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These are used as money envelopes to give prizes to winners. These comes in form of cards where small envelope has to be pasted in back side for putting prize amount.
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Generic Product
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Cool props for photo booth and great Selfies. Selfie frame, background props for events.
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Cool Party Props for photo booth and great Selfies. Party props are images or text written on a background which is in a colored shape like rectangle, cloud, star, circle, heart etc. These Party Props are rectangle shaped with White space (or other colour) around the Shape. Text is mostly within the shape area. Cut-out of shape is not done.
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Labels for kitchen items, spices, jars.
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These are unique tambola tickets. Classic tambola cards based on design. Cool tambola tickets for kitty party, clubs, occassions and other events.
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